CPM-F (Certified Product Manager – Foundation)
This exam will take place in English. This exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions and it has a 60 minutes duration. Pass score: 30/50 or 60%.
$ 77.00
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This certification benefits professionals in all areas, as it demonstrates the professional’s interest in gaining knowledge in product management processes and terminologies.
What will be assessed in this exam:
The knowledge required in this exam will be based on basic topics in brand management, Personas, Stakeholders, User Experience, Business (B2B and B2C), Strategies for creating a product, Opportunity Scales, Interviewing techniques with parties interested, Open and closed questions and several other options focused on the work of the Product Manager.
Please read the following carefully before proceeding:
• You may take the exam immediately or within 3 months from payment date.
• Once the exam is purchased and taken you won’t be eligible for a refund.